
Welcome to
The Agape Center for Spiritual Formation

A place set apart to connect with God and others

Do you seek to know God and yourself more?

Spiritual directors listen to your soul, helping foster a deeper connection to the Holy in your life.

“To ‘listen’ to another’s soul…may be almost the greatest service that any human being ever performs for another.”
-Douglas Steere, Quaker

Spiritual Direction

Spiritual direction is an ancient practice of the Christian Church where a spiritual director holds space for a directee as he or she seeks a deeper connection with God and a greater understanding of His love (Agape). 


Spiritual Formation

We offer retreats, workshops and group activities that support your spiritual growth and sharpen your attentiveness to God.

quiet, Peaceful Setting

The Agape Center is located in Historic Roswell. We offer a place of quiet rest and beauty.


Individual Spiritual Direction

Often called Holy Listening,  sessions with a spiritual director are typically once a month for an hour. Some Spiritual Directors on our team provide one-off spiritual direction sessions, recognizing that some people may prefer just a single session.

Group Spiritual Direction

A group of four to six people meet once a month with a spiritual director.

Creating Space

Discovering the six facets of the spiritual disciplines to help create space in your day to practice the presence of God.

Spiritual Exercises

An ancient practice of prayer, examination, and meditation developed by St. Ignatius Loyola to help people deepen their relationship with God.

Spiritual Formation Classes

Classes designed to open you to the presence of God and to deepen your spiritual journey.

Emmaus Walk

An intentional time of conversation, reflection and wondering as you walk with a spiritual director along the trails located near The Agape Center.

Silent Retreats

A time of pause from the hurry of life.


Labyrinth is an interactive installation for spiritual journeys. It's for anyone who wants a break from surfing the surface of culture to contemplate the deeper things of life.

Recommended Reading List

These books are some of our favorites from our spiritual journey.

When the Soul Listens - Jan Johnson

Meeting God In Scripture: A Hands-On Guide to Lectio Devina - Jan Johnson

Enjoying the Presence of God ~ Jan Johnson

Sacred Rhythms ~ Ruth Haley Barton

Invitation to Solitude and Silence ~ Ruth Haley Barton

Life Together in Christ ~ Ruth Haley Barton

Anam Cara ~ John O’Donohue

When Helping Hurts ~ Corbet & Fikkert

One Thousand Gifts ~ Ann Voskamp

Daring Greatly ~ Brene Brown

Don’t Forgive Too Soon ~ Dennis Lynn

Learning to Walk in the Dark ~ Barbara Brown Taylor

The Divine Conspiracy - Dallas Willard

Praying the Daily Office

Morning, evening and night prayer has created the foundation of spiritual formation for thousands of years. We invite you to experience this for yourself through the following link.